Monday, March 23, 2009

Walken in a Winter Wonderland

PSA: If you aren't reading Christopher Walken's Twitter, you should be.

[insert helpless laughter here]

On edit: Apparently the account is a fraud -- it's not actually Walken -- but it's still hilarious.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Movin' Out

Once again I've fallen down on the updating job. Ah well, better late than never, right?

I spent the weekend with Mom and Dad, getting the first big stack of boxes packed. Takeaway lesson: Mom has a lot of dolls and doll-related stuff, and a LOT of packing remains to be done.

In happy news, they may have found a place to live. Details to follow once it's a done deal.

E and I watched the premiere of Castle last night and loved it. Not perfect, but lots of fun. Plus, an hour a week of Nathan Fillion? Where's the bad in that?