Friday, July 17, 2009

Eight Days a Week

Man, has this been a busy week. Sister and I went to see Harry Potter at a 12:15 a.m. show Wednesday morning (review to follow), then I had dinner with the parents Wednesday night and dinner with the parents and Mom's doll group friends last night. No wonder I'm tired. :)

Wednesday night's dinner was at Sear inside the Marriott Marquis. Very pricey, but very good, plus I got to chat with the senior sous chef about Dragon*Con when he came out to deliver our appetizers. Last night's dinner was at Pitty Pat's Porch. Good food, great service, overpriced but not terribly for what's basically a tourist-trap restaurant.

Mom and Dad were in town for the United Federation of Doll Clubs annual convention. (Well, Mom was here for the convention; Dad was just along as chauffeur and general assistant.) Yesterday afternoon, the doll sale room was open to the public, and I got down to the hotel in time to go down there with Mom. I spent 45 minutes in the room and walked out with a doll. Most of the dolls and accessories for sale were VERY VERY expensive, and most weren't my style anyway, but a few vendors had the Asian fabric dolls that I do like. I have one from Japan, one from China, and one from Thailand, and I found a gorgeous one from 1960s Vietnam to add to my collection. Her hair is a little messed up, but otherwise she's in pristine condition. There was another Thai doll that I also loved, but she was more expensive and I couldn't really justify buying them both.

This weekend I finally get my cell phone upgrade! Hooray for QWERTY keyboards!!

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