Saturday, December 20, 2008

Under Pressure

I think my problem with public blogging is that there's just TOO MUCH PRESSURE. In my private blog, I can blather on all day about the minutiae of my life, and my readers are fine with it because they're my friends. They blather on, too. It's assured mutual blather.

Blogging for the public is a whole 'nother thing. The general public doesn't know me. They don't care what I bought my grandmother for Christmas, unless it's snicker-worthy or possible a fabulous deal that they can either get for themselves or, at the very least, envy. And, of course, I don't want the general public to know every little detail about me and my life. So I have to choose stories that are funny, insightful, or otherwise interesting enough that people will care about reading, AND that don't give away too much personal information.

That's a lot of pressure, people!

My last attempt at a public blog failed because it was too specialized and boring. The boring part could certainly doom this blog, too, but at least I'm not tied down to a single subject. I can write about anything! The world is my oyster!

If only I liked oysters.

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